News & Views

Mental health after the pandemic

Mental health after the pandemic

Last week, 10th to 16th May 2021, was National Mental Health Awareness Week. It is the 20th anniversary of the event created by the Mental Health Foundation and perhaps one of the most important times to focus on mental health and wellness. The global pandemic has...

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Safety and Health at Work after Covid

Safety and Health at Work after Covid

World Day for Safety and Health at Work has been observed for almost two decades, but never has it been more prescient than over the last couple of years. The pandemic has transformed the way we see work and life more broadly. Many have been fortunate enough to work...

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Training for the future

Training for the future

By Helmey El-Aasar, SmartSec Solutions Stress Awareness Month has taken place throughout April; quite fitting considering some Covid-19 restrictions were also lifted this month. With that comes certain anxieties about returning to work, traveling on public transport,...

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How Brexit has impacted the security industry

How Brexit has impacted the security industry

Brexit. A word synonymous with UK mainstream media for years. Yet, since March 2020 it has been eclipsed. The deadline caught some industries and organisations off guard, with exporting businesses struggling with paperwork revisions and delays to shipping. The...

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School security has much to teach

School security has much to teach

The security sector has been thrown into the limelight over the past year. Officers working on the frontline have been critical in ensuring everyone’s health and safety. As a result, we’ve seen a shift in the focus of frontline jobs. Officers have had to deal with an...

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It’s time to look ahead

It’s time to look ahead

For over a year, we have looked at how the pandemic has reshaped the security industry. We have, quite rightly, empathised with officers who have travelled through a barren City, on deserted public transport, to manage eerily quiet corporate buildings. It has...

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